The Jack Petchey Foundation was established by the successful East London entrepreneur, Jack Petchey, in 1999. It is now among the largest and most influential London charitable foundations. It gives grants on projects and programmes that benefit 11-25 year olds. The Foundation is eager to help young people take advantage of opportunities and play a full part in society.  
The club is on the 'Bronze Award' with three awards presented every year. Winners are voted for by the students. The award is for students aged between 11 and 25 in recognition of achieving the three E's:- 
Effort; What you put into the club through training and support
Endeavour; Working through difficulties, striving to achieve your goal
Exceptional achievement; This is about the outcome of the other two Es.
The winners receive a certificate from the Foundation and a Cheque to be spent on the club or other students. At the Annual Awards ceremony in November, a formal presentation of a special boxed medallion will be made to the year’s winners.
Previous years winners can be found on the 'Previous Award Winners' Page under Jack Petchey Awards. 

Jack Petchey Achievement Award Winner - Spring 2024 - Tom Halliday

Tom Halliday
Tom joined us from another club which had closed down and has been with us for over a year. This can be a difficult transition, but one which he has handled perfectly which is a reflection of his maturity. 

He exhibits a thoughtful and patient attitude to the sport. This is reflected in the time he spends with students who have difficulties and are not as confident or as proficient as he is. 

Tom spends quite a lot of time going over the basics ensuring with these students, which can sometimes be to the detriment of his own training. Nevertheless he is always helpful and pleasant with those students. 

He has  now moved to the Saturday session, which is more demanding and has thrown himself into his fighting practice, something which was not being fully tested on the Wednesday mat.

He is willing to attempt any technique and will happily train with any student. A model student.  

He has decided the money will go towards subsidising the cost of club hoodies and t-shirts.


Jack Petchey Achievement Award Winner - Summer 2024 - Elsie Starrs- Feeman


Elsie Starrs- Freeman

Elsie originally started training at one of the club’s satellite sessions at Cudham School. Gradually she moved over to the sessions at Biggin Hill and has never looked back.

She is keen to try new techniques and is a formidable opponent when it comes to fighting. She has been part of the display team and has been successful in many competitions.

She is also taking part in this year’s London Youth Games representing Bromley. She always works hard and takes everything in her stride. 

The money is being spent on providing a full days training in Nage-No-Kata. The course will be free to club members and there will be lunch and refreshments provided at no cost to the students.

This is the first time the club has organised such a course in this way and it is hoped will be a template for future courses in the katas of Judo.   


Jack Petchey Achievement Award Winner - Autumn 2023 - Henry Gerrard 


Henry Gerrard  
Henry has been with the club for the last three years. He had recently sustained a fracture injury away from the club which meant he has had quite a break from training. This was the second similar mishap in recent months.
However he has come back having and has really applied himself to the sport. In a short time he has made up for the lost time both in covering many techniques but also his shiai (fighting) has improved making him a formidable opponent among his contemporaries.
Always attentive and gives 100% effort to the session.
It has been decided to spend the money on the Club's awards night where the achievements of the club are celebrated and a number of awards are given out with the trophies having the winner's name engraved on it.